Speaking at Digital Wave 2015
Salad return to Digital Wave for the second year running to inspire a future generation of digital talent.

Digital Wave is an event put on by our friends at RedWeb, specifically to inspire young people aged between 14-19 who might be considering a career in digital.
Our Managing Director, Arabella Lewis-Smith, was asked to talk at the event. During her 20-minute talk she spoke with refreshing honesty about her route through life, and how she found herself at the helm of a creative agency.

In addition to the talk, we had a stand where we encouraged people to come and say ‘hello’, and gave them an idea of what life is like inside a creative agency. To do this, we replicated a slice of our own studio, bringing along our furniture, plants, pictures and trinkets. Our digital team set up an iMac demonstrating gesture-controlled interactive animations, where we asked the participants to get involved and think about ways in which this kind of technology could be applied.
Arabella said afterwards, “I was delighted to be asked to share my journey with an audience of over 500 at the event. Positive role models are vital, and it’s important to give back where we can to help young people find their path. I thought all the talks throughout the day did a great job of demonstrating what an exciting and varied industry we work in.”